Xx Nodrft X Lone Star Drift End of Year Bash 7 xX
December 11, 12, 13th 2020 @ Nola Motorsports
We’re excited to finally announce deets for EYB 7. You read it, this year has been crazy with all the ups and downs, but we’re here to bring you the greatest drift event in the USA, End of Year Bash! Featuring a collaboration between NODRFT and Lone Star Drift to host the biggest motorsports party of 2020! 30 hours of seat time and 72 hours of partying with the best people you know. Drifting, Bands, Friends, Cars, AMAZING tire life at Nola Motorsports Park and the best feeling you can experience from an event!
Prices have been added to event description! Registration is open!(link below)
Overall driving time for this event is 30 hours!
Date, track surfaces, and times:
Friday 12/11 – Skidpad 4pm – 9pm
Saturday 12/12 – Skidpad 9am-6pm & Kart Track 4pm-2am
Sunday 12/13 – Both Tracks 9am-6pm
Saturday 12/12 – Skidpad 9am-6pm & Kart Track 4pm-2am
Sunday 12/13 – Both Tracks 9am-6pm
Registration prices:
3 options for registration and they ALL include both Kart Track and Skidpad.
BRONZE Package – Sunday
SILVER Package – Saturday & Sunday
GOLD Package – Friday, Saturday & Sunday
Early registration ends 11/30
No Refunds or Splitting driver spots
Last day to sell driver spot is 12/9( you must notify us of sold spot)
This is a Tandem H E A V Y event.
Travel Discount for distant drivers:
This is a mileage discount to help with the cost of travels. The distance will be calculated from the address on your ID/License to New Orleans city center. You must submit a VALID ID/License for discount to apply. Below are the distance and discount rates:
100-199 miles = $20 off
200-299 miles = $40 off
300+ miles = $60 off
How does the travel discount work?
You will pay full price initially and then you email us a pic of your VALID ID/License. Once we verify your location and distance, then we will refund you the discounted portion. Discounts will be refunded every Friday starting October 9th. Discounts only apply to the GOLD and SILVER packages.
Send all emails to Nodrft@gmail.com with subject title Travel Discount